"TMJ" Treatment

What are the factors leading disorders in temporomandibular joint and masticatory muscles?

Grinding (bruxism) – clenching of the teeth

Traumas (injuries caused by an impact, car accident, sports)

Abnormal relations between upper and lower teeth (occlusion abnormalities)

Psychological factors

Systemic diseases (MS, rheumatismal diseases, etc.)

Bad habits (biting bucca and lip, thumb sucking, etc.)

What is the impact of stress on temporomandibular joint?

There are muscles surrounding our temporomandibular joint that enable us to open and close our mouth. In times of stress, these muscles contract, leading long term muscle contractions. Whereas teeth compose an intense force on one another, there will be an excessive load on temporomandibular joint and symptoms of temporomandibular joint disease emerge accordingly.  

What are the symptoms of temporomandibular joint diseases?

Earache – ringing in the ears

Pain in cheeks and temporal

Having difficulties in mouth opening and closing

Occurrence of click in joints


How to Treat Temporomandibular Joint?

The purpose of treatment is to rectify temporomandibular joint functions back to normal. Scheduling the treatment is designated as regards to the cause of disease. Night plaque treatment can be administered to the patients who have grinding (bruxism) or clenching of the teeth problems. Short term medications and appropriate physical therapy programs can be introduced. Treatment can also be supported with laser and botox applications when required.

What are some points to consider to prevent temporomandibular joint complaints?

To prefer soft food

To support the chin from beneath while yawning

Not to chew gums

Not to lay in a prone position

In the mornings, to compress joint alignment with a warm towel

To avoid stress